Today was the first day we began collecting data with our Earthwatch volunteers. We still don't have a team name yet, but we're working on getting one!
Today, we did feeding observations at the Charles Darwin Research Center and through the town of Puerto Ayora. At the research station, the weather was overcast, and it was early (6.15am), so the finches were out and enjoying many of their favourite native (and non-native) foods.
At the entrance to the public beach, we stumbled upon a large group of finches. As we were writing down the numbers, two mockingbirds flew in and chased them all away. We though their might be a nest nearby, but we think that they were after this nice, juicy, enormous centipede that was dead on the sand. The pencil is for a size comparison!
Our observation transect took us by the fish market, and we had to pause to take some pictures. As always, the pelicans, sea lions, and other critters were immensely entertaining and provided everyone with wonderful photo opportunities.
Pelicans fighting over a fish |
"I can haz nom noms?" |
"I haz nom noms!" |
Fish market |
Prepping fish for a customer |
Lobster! |
Having fun with tryptichs and pelicans |
This night heron seems to have a pot-belly. Perhaps too much food?
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